Our Mission

In tribute to the radiant spirits of Cora, Dawson, and Callan Clancy, whose grace adorned our town, infused our playgrounds with laughter, and left an indelible mark on our lives through their limitless love, we warmly invite the entire town of Duxbury, Massachusetts, and friends from across the globe to join us in a shared mission. Join us in a collective mission to "be the love" throughout the year.

Embrace this day with meaningful actions—gift a home-cooked meal to a new mom, arrange a spontaneous group play date at the playground on a school night, fulfill your kids' long-awaited wishes for fun, take a rejuvenating walk with someone in need, plan a special surprise for a dear friend, support local businesses by covering someone's coffee or lunch, bestow a thoughtful gift for no apparent reason, express your profound love to family and friends, and intentionally spread joy to others.

As a united community, let's create a tapestry of joy and connection for every individual we encounter, echoing the radiant spirits of Cora, Dawson, and Callan. Share your heartfelt stories and the reasons behind your actions using the hashtag withlovefromduxbury. If you're fortunate to have memories with Cora, Dawson, and Callan, share them with the world. Say their names loud and clear. Honor their memory by reliving those cherished moments. Spread the word by reposting and sharing this initiative with your loved ones.

Share your experiences using withlovefromduxbury and tag @withlovefromduxbury on Instagram or Facebook and become a shining example that anyone in their little corner of the world can make a positive impact with love. Let your actions resonate as a tribute to the enduring memory of Cora, Dawson, and Callan.

This project and initiative have been blessed by the Clancy Family.